Are you ready for some football?? Dancing With the Stars?
Layton would say yes to the first line. And OH HE_ _ NO to the second one. Actually, I've see him sneak a peek at my DWTS when he thinks I'm not watching him. He secretly wishes he could shake it with those super buff dancers!!
Too bad. You're stuck with Aharwelltheteachermom who could probably use the DWTS diet!
I'm going to have to type quickly, because I don't want to miss the Season Premiere!! I'm not invested in the contestants yet, so I need to go 'get to know them'. :)

Honestly, I really don't watch too much TV. But I have my must watch shows: Here they are in no particular order....
DWTS (Dancing With the Stars)
Grey's Anatomy
The Bachelor
That's about it. I'll throw in a Big Brother (super cheesy, but mindless entertainment)
and a Jeopardy here and there. I AM the current Jeopardy champ (in my household). Whattt???
Oh yeah, I'll catch the first 5 minutes of Entertainment Tonight or E! News. That's all you need is the first 5 minutes. After that, it's just the same old Kardashian selfies and sightings crap.
Subject: TPT
I worked on my Writing FREEBIE over the weekend, but..... it's still in progress. I want to add some finishing touches....(like pages 17-25)!!
Being a mom of three kids, and a full time teacher makes me a little tired. This is what I look like by 7 pm every night (minus the tailored suit and perfect makeup). However, I fight the fatigue and stay up with one eye open, like a warrior, until 11pm or later every school night!
Wow! This lady looks much more put together.
I have gotten up and down at least 37 times during this blog post. So much for DWTS!
Between cooking burgers on the grill, whipping up a fabulous sweet potato salad, corn on the cob, and baked beans, signing reading logs, letting the dog out (in the rain), and many other interesting daily duties. I guess it will have to be DVR'd. Is that a word?? DVR'd...??
Well you know what I mean. Taped, recorded...TEVO'd!!
I'm super ADD, which is great for multi-tasking, but horrible for focusing.
Which brings me to my last point..tomorrow's my BIRTHDAY!!
Thank you for stopping by! Goodnight friends!
Psalms 84:10